Lincoln for Hair

Establishment and hair care at 1/89 Lincoln Road, Croydon, VIC 3136, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Lincoln for Hair: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Contact Information

Establishment   Hair care  

1/89 Lincoln Road
VIC 3136
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+61 3 9723 9449


Opening hours

Tuesday 09:00am — 05:00pm
Wednesday 09:00am — 05:00pm
Thursday 09:00am — 09:00pm
Friday 09:00am — 05:00pm
Saturday 08:00am — 03:00pm


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Reviews of Lincoln for Hair

    Catrina K Added October 17, 2017
    Lesson learnt: do not go to Lincoln for Hair to get your makeup done!

    On Saturday I was extremely disappointed leaving Lincoln for Hair. The level of service provided by the new owner and the terrible quality of makeup used was beyond a joke. The whole experience was just disgusting and left me in tears.

    The owner began applying makeup on my face, without even asking me what I wanted. Shocked that she hadn’t asked me what I wanted, I noticed the quality of makeup was not to the standard I was used to, so I enquired further to find out it was ELF, the Kmart brand, which was a late night purchase the previous night. What do you say to that? It gets worse, she only had one eye shadow pallet that had 4 colours that were all similar shades. As I have hooded eyes my best option is to stay away from dark colours such as grey and black, which were the colours in this eye shadow pallet. When my eye makeup was almost done. I noticed that my eyelash extensions were crooked and not applied properly. So I had crooked eyelashes, my foundation was orange, as she only had 2 shades (both orange) and the eye shadow used made me look like I was punched in the face, I had no concealer on and she had now set my face with powder (which you never put concealer on after you have set your face with powder.) The bronzer and blush she had didn’t even show up on my face and I’m pretty sure she had no eyebrow products.

    After my eyes were almost finished, after serial attempts to fix my eyes, I had enough of it and I asked her to stop.

    I was forced to pay $20 which would have been the total cost of all the products that she purchased from Kmart the night before, which is just outrageous.

    Not only was my makeup horrible, but the process whilst I was getting my makeup done was just unacceptable; the owner spent the whole time gossiping about other clients/customers in a negative way. I ended up I leaving the salon in tears and was crying during some of the process and no one bothered to even ask me if I was okay. I’m not a horrible or difficult customer, I do love makeup, but I’m not too fussy. I don’t get my makeup done professionally very often, this was a special occasion for my formal.

    After this horrible ordeal I had to go to another place to get my makeup done. I’m so grateful for Tishka for squeezing me. You were my lifesavers!

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Questions & Answers

1. What is the phone number for Lincoln for Hair

The phone number for Lincoln for Hair is +61 3 9723 9449.

2. Where is Lincoln for Hair located?

Lincoln for Hair is located at 1/89 Lincoln Road Croydon, VIC 3136.

3. Is there a primary contact for Lincoln for Hair

You can contact Lincoln for Hair by phone using number +61 3 9723 9449.

4. What is the web address (URL) for Lincoln for Hair

The website for Lincoln for Hair is

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